Diaper Rash – Yeast Function

Diaper rash is a skin irritation that appears beneath an infant’s diaper. This commonly happens on babies whose age ranges from 4 to 15 months old and usually can be more noticeable seen when babies starts to eat solid foods.
This skin irritation is caused by an infection with the yeast or fungus called Candida which is very common in children. Candida fungus can be found anywhere in the environment and usually grows best in warm, moist places, such as under a diaper.Visit infants need to avoid allergens.
Some of the causes of Diaper rash are due to unclean or wet diaper and babies who have more frequent stools.

baby alleries

Other causes may also include:
Babies who are taking antibiotics, and or their breastfeeding mother take antibiotics.
Acids in stools that commonly happens when babies have diarrhea.
The diaper is too tight that it rubs the skin.
Too much moisture on the diaper.
Commonly you will be able to know when a baby or child has a diaper rash when you see bright reddish spots get bigger.

Other symptoms may also include:
Pimples, blisters and large bumps appear in diaper areas.
You may notice the following in your child’s diaper area.
For boys: bright red and scaly areas appear on the scrotum and penis.
For girls: bright red and scaly areas appear on the labia and vagina.

It is a proven fact though that diaper rashes do not spread beyond the diaper area and the best treatment for this skin irritation is through keeping the diaper area clean and dry. You can also use topical antifungal skin creams and ointments to aid in clearing up infections which are caused by yeast. A gentle topical corticosteroid can be used to apply in diaper rash areas. However, it is best recommended to have your baby consulted with a doctor before trying any topical cream or ointment for precise prescriptions.